Who are we ?
Created in 1994 by New Caledonian prawn farmers, SOPAC (Société des Producteurs Aquacoles Calédoniens) federates all the players in the industry, from hatcheries to distributors, in order to guarantee the quality of New Caledonian blue prawn. We are committed to the development of responsible aquaculture that respects people, the environment and consumers. Our mission is to offer an exceptional prawn to our customers wherever they are in the world. To this end, we have developed partnerships with importers or distribution companies in different geographical areas such as in Japan with the company GODAK; in Europe with Prestige Seafood; in the USA with Savory Gourmet; or in Australia with Austral Fisheries.
Our origins
Initiated at an experimental stage in 1970 and benefiting from the scientific and technical support of Ifremer from the outset, prawn farming in New Caledonia only really reached the industrial stage in 1988 with the first exports. During the 1990s, an extremely rigorous set of specifications was developed in close collaboration with our long-standing partner in Japan, enabling the perfectly balanced taste (Umami taste) of New Caledonian blue prawn to be highlighted. The recognition of its very high quality is demonstrated by the fact that it is marketed frozen raw under the brand name Tenshi No Ebi for sashimi preparations in Japan. Since 2009, the top of the production is successfully marketed worldwide under the brand Cristal Blue to French and international chefs.